I jumped in the mud!

This weekend we participated in the Warrior Dash. What an absolutely awesome event! We shimmied over floating logs, climbed up walls, maneuvered past barbed wire, jumped over fire, and as you can see, there was mud.

Lots and lots of mud!

Big high five, kudos and muddy hugs to Wildfire Fitness Warriors: Frances, Julie and Tania, along with the other participating friends and family who moved way outside of their comfort zones to show their true mettle and fortitude, putting their training and in some cases, natural ability (wink) to the test! So proud of you all!

Can't wait for next year's Dash!

One of the coolest things about doing this event (outside of feeling truly bad a**) was getting to witness each our Warriors conquer any possible feelings of self-doubt or uncertainty, move outside of their personal comfort zones and accomplish our collective goal: to finish the race! I know the level of confidence for everyone who participated has to be soaring! What a feeling of accomplishment at the end! We jumped over fire! (I did say bad a**, right?)

Where are you?

Have you accomplished your fitness goals this year? Have you made your goal weight? Are you as strong as you'd like to be? Do you have the energy you need? Are you effectively managing your stress? Are you practicing those healthy habits you know you should?

As we move into the fall season, I challenge you to move out of your comfort zone. Get out of the same old, same old rut and take action. Massive action. That's what it'll take to change from where you are and move closer to where you want to be so that you can experience that same feeling of accomplishment at reaching a goal that we did.

This is a fantastic time of year! Full of change and opportunity as we get back into our normal routines. It's also the perfect time for you to focus, gain some ground on LIVING your healthy lifestyle habits and kick your fitness into high gear! You don't have to jump fire or get muddy to move outside of your comfort zone and on your way to your success.

You can join us for the Final Quarter Fall Fitness Challenge!

This is your chance to get back on track and finish the year strong. YOU can swap out those bad habits for healthier ones. You CAN move more, eat better, and create a lifestyle that promotes health!

For 6 action-filled weeks you'll create and practice healthy habits, move and get in better shape and win back your health and maybe even a prize!

Get more info and register here: Final Quarter Fall Fitness Challenge by September 18, 2011.

Hope to jump fire with YOU at next year's Warrior Dash!

To your fitness success,


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