Carbs: To eat them or not to eat them? Part 2

From "Nutrition 101: Starting from the beginning", you learned that there are ONLY three macronutrients:
and fat.
Without exception, all foods are made up of one or all of these substances.

Numerous clients have at various times, however, triumphantly proclaimed that they are "eating NO carbs" in their diets. Upon further discussion, however, it is quickly discovered that they have a limited understanding of what carbohydrates actually are and how to correctly include them in their diets. Bread and pasta, for instance, are considered carbs. Fruit and vegetables are ALSO considered carbs. If a person were to truly eat a "no-carb" diet they would, in fact, only include meat and butter, or some equivalent. Nothing else. Fortunately, most people don't eat that way so let's explore what carbs really are.

Carbohydrates are the main source of blood glucose, a type of simple sugar. Blood glucose is the ONLY source of energy for the brain and red blood cells. In regards to food, simple carbohydrates are also known as simple sugars. Foods containing simple carbohydrates are often sweet tasting, such as cookies, fruit, sugar, honey, candy, cake, etc or look white - think white rice, white flour, white sugar and corn products. Simple carbs are already very close to the digested form, so they pass into your bloodstream almost immediately. The problem is, however, simple carb foods are often calorie-dense, nutrient-poor, and easily overeaten since they tend to also lack dietary fiber. Dietary fiber, or roughage, is a type carbohydrate that your body is unable to digest. It helps you feel fuller longer and helps your body remove waste.

Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains, vegetables, and legumes. Even though both simple and complex carbs provide needed glucose, the complex carbohydrates provide several nutritional advantages, such as additional vitamins, minerals, and fiber needed for good health and performance. The body also breaks them down more slowly, and they tend to add to the feeling of fullness without additional calories. Keep in mind, though, that during digestion, complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars. All sugars look and act alike in the human body, regardless of their source. They are the body's main source of energy. While most vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities, grains should be eaten in moderation.

Healthier carbs/eat often: fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains
Less healthy carbs/limit or omit: processed, white rice, white sugar, and white flour

To your fitness success!

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