Ready to enjoy the best summer EVER?

Not only is summer a FANTASTIC time to get in shape, it's also the perfect time to get focused on YOU. Your health, your fitness and your well being. The sun will be out, farmer's markets will be in full swing and the longer days will help you feel like getting MORE done and taking more ACTION.

The first official day of summer is in just a few short weeks on June 21st. Until then, Wildfire Fitness and Portland Bridal Fitness will be offering up beauty, fashion, fitness-related tips, workouts and goodies... all counting down to our FUN charity work out event on Sunday, June 22nd benefiting Melody's Angels


WHAT: #PROJECTSUMMERBODY: A one hour charity workout  benefiting Melody's Angels
WHEN: Sunday, June 22nd
TIME: 9:00 - 11:00 am
WHERE: Eastbank Esplanade, Portland Waterfront
ENTRY FEE: A positive attitude and a donation for Melody's Angels* (socks and/or personal items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, lip balm, etc)

To RSVP Join our FB group here

 photo MelodysAngelsPDX_zps2db52613.jpg*Melody's Angels is a not currently a non-profit organization, though they are on their way to seeking that status via a tax ID. As stated by Melody, the group's amazing organizer, "it's made up of friends, family and their friends and family and word of mouth." There is no tax write off and they've just "pitched in" paying for everything out of their own pockets.

This month Melody's Angels is partnering with Portland Rescue Mission to package 300 Care Kits (socks, toiletries, food items, etc.)! Whoa, right?!


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