Where are you?

Now that spring's here and the second quarter of the year has started it's a good time to stop and look at where you are. I mean, no one usually sets out towards a destination without stopping to look at where they are, right? This applies whether traveling via land, sea or air, and it certainly applies when moving towards your fitness goals, or any other goal for that matter.

Our motivational word for this month is REFRESH. Why, you might ask? Well, statistically by this time most people have forgotten about and lost their fire towards all those hope-filled fitness dreams and desires they had at the beginning of the year. MOST people have settled into mediocrity and same-old-same-old. I know that I have to admit that even though I am still working towards most of my BHAG goals the excitement isn't as high as it was in January.

But now is when the rubber meets the road and the REAL work begins! Where busy and bored meet true ambition and desire. Do I truly hunger for what I said at the beginning of the year enough to put in the work and effort regardless of the difficulty and challenges to my success, or will I settle for "just another year"? Mediocre or memorable, this is how we'll describe our 2013 come January 1st. Each choice we make now is leading us towards one or the other.

Me? I'm hitting the "refresh" button! I want an AMAZING year, a memorable year! It's important to keep my word to others, but it's just as important to keep my word to myself. I told me that I wanted this. I'm important and I don't want to let myself down just like I wouldn't want to let someone else down.

I challenge you to take a fresh look at where you are right now. Are you where you want to be in every area of you life? If not, hit your refresh button. Don't let yourself down. Do what you know will make you happiest in the end. Get up and get your workouts. Choose foods that bring you to your goals. Get your sleep. Manage your stress healthily.

Email or message me on Facebook and let me know what goals you're "refreshing". Putting your goal in black and white helps it to become real and helps you to gain more support for your efforts. Let's DO this!

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