Declare your independence!

Happy 4th of July, Wildfire Fitness family!

As we celebrate our country's independence I hope that you create some fantastic memories with your friends and loved ones. 

We're blessed to live in a country that offers us certain freedoms and where, for the most part, we can choose what we do and how we want to live. Today, as we pause to recognize this and to celebrate the fact that we ARE free also recognize that personally, we ultimately are not bound by or controlled by anyone else but ourselves. What awesome power and possibility behind this thought!

With this gift of freedom and personal liberty, we don't have to live as a self-imposed captives. Captives to bad habits. Captives to bad thinking and negative self-talk. Captives to poor daily choices. 

Just think how AWESOME it would it be if we could each finally let go of the things that keep us bound and begin the journey towards personal freedom and self-fulfillment. Think how AWESOME it would be to reach for and actually capture the goals, dreams and desires that may have eluded us for so long. 

We can choose!

WE choose how we want to live. We CHOOSE how we spend our time. We choose WHAT we buy. We choose what TO EAT. We choose how our BODIES and MINDS get treated. The more we recognize this, the more we can also recognize and work to protect our freedom and then live as though our choices are just that, OUR INDIVIDUAL CHOICE.

Well, now is the time! While we can't be sure of what will happen tomorrow, we can be sure that if we start TODAY, we WILL be one step closer tomorrow. 

Join us for a month long journey created with YOUR success and personal independence in mind. Each week you'll have the opportunity to foster more success in your life by taking a closer look at some important key themed areas in a healthy lifestyle and then work towards adopting the habits and choices that will lead you to REAL, HEALTHY, POSITIVE RESULTS.

Check out our MONTHLY NEWSLETTER for life-changing info as well as weekly teasers and then follow us on FACEBOOK to get daily motivation, Life-Change Challenges, result-oriented exercises, success tips and more!

Embrace your freedom. 
Declare your independence!

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