35 Tips for a Healthier Year

"Mighty things from small beginnings grow."
~ John Dryden

Now that the New Year's resolution hoopla has started to level off, it's time to get to down to business developing practical habits and viable strategies to make your healthy 2011 goals a reality.

Getting in better shape and advancing your level of well being doesn't have to be a big production, however. Since the aim is to create a healthier lifestyle leading to positive results that last a lifetime, there are many "small" things you can do that can add up to big results. Some of ideas are listed below. Just pick a couple you aren't doing and focus in on them. You can always add more later, but the most important thing is to begin. DO something.

Start today!

1. Move 30 mins each day.
2. Eat fruit AND vegetables EVERY day.
3. Simplify your schedule. Why are you so busy? What matters MOST to you? Does everything on your schedule truly have to be done by you? What can you delegate?
4. Go to sleep!
5. De-stress daily/weekly.
6. Do something nice for someone else (community service).
7. Smile!
8. Floss your teeth EVERY day.
9. Drink six to ten 8-ounce cups of water daily.
10. Use a foam roller for myofascial release.
11. Stretch daily. Not only can this help improve mobility, relieve pain and relieve stress, it also can reverse arterial stiffness, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
12. Create a budget.
13. Plan a vacation.
14. Run a race.
15. Do something unusual.
16. Learn a new hobby/skill
17. Read a book.
18. Drink green tea.
19. Schedule your yearly check ups.
20. Wash your hands often. This can help ward of colds and flu. Remember to keep your hands off your face while at the gym as well.
21. Create a sanctuary in your bedroom.
22. Leave your desk regularly (stand up).
23. Eat with the seasons.
24. Avoid pesticides, preservatives and artificial additives.
25. Select a progress garment like jeans, bathing suit or shorts to help track body fat loss.
26. Take your picture. Another progress tracker, this can help you to better see the progress you're making.
27. Resolve toxic/problem relationships/situations. Say you're sorry, forgive or walk away. Bottom line find a pathway to peace and move on.
28. Create and use daily power habits. Choose up to 10 daily actions that you can do that will keep you focused, motivated and moving towards your goals.
29. Monitor your self-talk. Manage and eliminate negative, non-productive thinking.
30. Take a multivitamin.
31. Cut sodas from your daily diet.
32. Share your goals with your support system.
33. Create a food and exercise log. Studies have shown that people are more successful with their goals to change these habits when they write it down. Use a notebook or track it on-line for free.
34. Eat breakfast.
35. Schedule your workouts and guard that time.

To your fitness success!

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