Ahh, another holiday season. Time to get out and search for that meaningful, yet unique gift for our friends and loved ones. While it can be a bit tough to find something interesting yet practical, not everyone is ready for gifts like these "barefoot" workout shoes . Here are some fun and cool, yet still practical ideas to infuse some health conscious thinking into their holiday season.
1. Wii Console ($300). Interactive with lots of options from general gaming to active play. Upgrade with Wii Fit ($150) to add balance games, yoga, boxing, and more.
2. Body Bugg ($300-$500). Measures how much heat your body is producing to determine the number of calories burned. Can be used along with personalized Web-based food diaries and workout plans.
3. Fitbit Tracker ($99). Be one of the first to use this gadget that tracks activity, nutrition, and even sleep from minute to minute. Uses an avatar, such as a flower, that shrinks or grows based on how healthy you’ve been.
4. Nike+ iPod System and Sports Kit ($29 plus Nike+ shoes and ipod or sportband). Great for runners! Works with a sensor place in special Nike+ shoes as well as an iPod (for music lovers) or a special arm band. Links to a website that tracks distance, calories, pace and more.
5. Garmin 705 GPS Unit for Bikes ($249-349). Think Nike+ for bikes with the added bonus of GPS to keep you from getting lost.
6. BodiBeat ($300) Not your average mp3 player, this tool changes the beat and the music to match your pace. Slow down and the music slows down; speed up and the music speeds up.
7. Strollometer ($40) A new twist on an old idea, version of the standard pedometer clips onto any baby stroller and is a great idea for new moms looking to get their sexy back!
8. BOSU Balance Trainer ($100). Portable and versatile, it can be used as a bench, step, and core trainer all in one. Whether you’re looking to enhance your athletic and recreational performance or just want to improve daily tasks you can add an interesting twist to your workouts with this balance tool. Get it discounted locally at Exercise Equipment NW in Beaverton by telling Kim or Paul we sent you.
9. Gliding Discs ($25). This "new" kid on the fitness trend block can add intensity to your body weight exercises while increasing your core strength. Nylon versions are designed for hardwood floors and hard plastic orbs similar to Frisbees are made for carpet.
10. AMPHIBX Armbands and SURGE Headphones ($70/$60) Great for the aqua-fiends in your life. Weather jumping in the pool, kayaking or running in the pouring rain, this waterproof choice will stay dry even in the wettest of circumstances.